Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15th

Saludos a todos....

In my profile there is a picture of me standing in front of a Roman bridge built in 100 BC. Salamanca was part of the Roman trade route originating in Sevilla ending in Galicia.

The rest of the pictures are of the Cathedral of Salamanca, Segovia, Zamora, and Coca. The picture of the 4 ladies is (right to left): Blanca (from Spain), Pelage (from Cameroon), Gabby (from Peru) and your´s truly...
These are the ladies with whom I do everything.

The Cathedral of Salamanca has a very interesting story. Orignally it was built in 1200 in the Romanesque style. My classroom is right across the courtyard from it. My classroom building was also built a long while ago in the early 1400´s. Back to the the early 1400´s ¨they¨decided to build a bigger  and better Cathedral. Guess what? They actually attached the newer building to the original one! There is an archway that you can walk through to go from the old to the new.

We´ve seen terrific things thus far and I have to say that I am very impressed with this program, and the academic level as well. We just took midterms this week and I am happy to report that I did great!

I am learning so much inside the classroom as well as outside the classroom ...It is a terrific program and would be perfect if my family were here with me!
I hope that you are all well...I shall be home two weeks from tomorrow and I am looking forward to my return.

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