Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday July 1st

Yesterday we visited three little towns en La Sierra de Francia, located about 1.5 hours north west of Salamanca. This mountain range is in Spain and so named because in the year 1,080 many French came to settle there. The architecture was  interesting and the people were friendly...

And of course, last night was the BIG GAME!!!! Spain vs. Italy and Spain won the European Cup. Once again we watched the game in the Plaza Mayor and the crowds went wild!!! Spaniards are walking around very happy today!

Hasta la próxima vez...


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday, June 28th

Saludos a todos...

Last night was a great experience and so I decided to write. Spain played Portugal and won in overtime in the European Cup. Most of us from the Master's program  decided to go to the Plaza Mayor in the middle of Salmanca to watch the game. If you have visited Madrid, picture La Plaza Mayor de Madrid, cut it in half and you have La Plaza Mayor de Salmanca. It looks exactly the same only smaller. There were TV screens throughout the Plaza.  The patriotism, and enthusiasm for "fútbol" was contagious. We had fun watching the game.... In fact, most of the group was featured on the front page of the newspaper, "El País." ( not me, darn!)
Sunday night they are going to show the finals in La Plaza on an enormous screen...Spain vs. yet to be determined. I decided that if I get all my studying done, I can go. I'll keep you posted...

Off to study parts of the Spanish Constituion of 1978...oh my.

Hope all is well in NC,


Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25th 2012

Saludos a todos...

Well...I'm back! I arrived yesterday in Salmanca but to Spain on Saturday. Ryan and I said good bye to each other Saturday morning in the airport in Dublin after a great week touring the castles of Ireland together.
Ryan is getting ready to become a New Yorker/ Merchant Mariner and I am getting ready to study Spanish again.
Sunday morning a bunch of us ( from the program last year) went for a walk in Madrid through El Parque was terrific. Then we boarded the bus to Salamanca  which arrived here in the afternoon.
We began classes today and I have to admit, it felt great to be back in the classroom learning. I am really interested in 5 of my 6 classes. I think that they are all going to be challenging as well as very interesting. Vamos a ver...
I shall keep you updated on my progress and thanks for following!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012